ODYSSEY - Point of Sale Liquor Stores
Liquor Store software comes with the following FEATURES:
- Manage stock that is received in bulk and then distributed in smaller pack sizes or as other processed products
- Easily manage stock counts with the ability to count items as singles, packs or cases in real time
- Manage stock in many locations Transfer stock between store rooms, fridges or branches
- Promotions feature allows you to run irresistible offers — like discounts and multi-buys — to further encourage sales
- Preloaded database of the most popular products, size and case pack quantities and item descriptions to simplify system setup
Set-up different deposits for different types of empties and crate sizes.
When customers bring back empty bottles and crates, we accumulate the combined result. Breweries only take back full crates.
- Low level stock warning
- VAT and exclusion option for trade sales
- Stock on order indicator
- Weekly account facility
- Real-time account updating
- Settlement discount facility
- Online Inter-branch transactions
- Temporary and Lay-bye accounts
- Petty cash processing
- Assistant/cashier code with monitoring function for discount price changes etc.
- Sales by open department or by stock code/ barcode
- Unlimited stock items
- Wildcard description search
- Daily or monthly financial reports on sales, gross profits etc.
- Monthly or yearly budgeting facilities
- Daily financial updates includes sales in rand’s, gross profit in rand’s & gross profit percentage
- Automatic re-ordering facility, as well as cash credit/ COD/ buy-aid/lay-bye breakdown
- Daily cash-up, with banking analysis
- Daily sales totals, with taxable and non-taxable sales and discounts
- Daily and monthly assistant analysis & assistant/department sales
- Daily and month-to-date departmental sales and control totals
- Outstanding CODs and job cards
- Audit trail with summary
- Inter-branch stock
- Stock movement & months coverage
- Monthly transaction & master-file totals
- Stock movement history per 12 month term
- Price labeling facility
- Automatic re-ordering
- Stock write-off facility (does not affect gross profit)
- Special price facility to override retail price
- Maximum & minimum stock levels maximises control
- Tax-free/non VAT items
- Bin / shelf allocation and cost center analysis
- PLU log of specific movement per transaction
- Changes can be implemented by stock item, department or range
- Online branch stock management
- Automatic separation of orders per creditor
- Stock take module for fault- free partial stock takes
- On-line stock take facility with wireless units
- Total debtors control
- Detailed account enquiries
- Setting of credit terms as required
- Full creditors system
- Account and settlement discount options
- Automatic payment schedule based on terms
- Overall password protection
- Set discount, credit limit and monitor credit rating or debtors
- Non-VAT clients/VAT number
- Buy-aid statement on request
- Versatile statement printing with optional email facility
- Debtors ledger and monthly debtors aged analysis
- Standard balance brought forward (180 days)
- Weekly and monthly budget accounts
- Cash accounts
- Revolving credit
- Seven day balance brought forward
- Full Discount Matrix